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Secure prime booth space at APTA CSM.

Reach PTs, PTAs, and students at the largest physical therapy conference in the country.

APTA CSM is the place to promote your physical therapy products, services, and courses, conduct hands-on demonstrations, and make immediate sales. In fact, nearly 60% of attendees have purchasing power or have significant influence! If recruiting is your goal, you will find top-notch talent eager to meet you. 

Based on past sales history, APTA's CSM is expected to sell out. Secure prime booth space on the exhibit floor, which will be packed with PTs, PTAs, and students.

Everything You Need to Know

Direct Contacts:

Meredith Turner

Julie Hilgenberg

Important Note About Fraudulent Solicitors

Unfortunately, there are many unethical companies contacting APTA members and APTA CSM exhibitors. They are falsely advertising APTA member and conference attendee email lists for sale.

Please know that these offers are fraudulent. APTA will never email you about purchasing the APTA CSM attendee or APTA member lists. Furthermore, APTA does not release member or attendee information to these companies. These companies can be shockingly aggressive and dishonest in their efforts to scam unsuspecting exhibitors and members. 

If you receive a solicitation and are confused as to whether it's legitimate, please send it to Julie Hilgenberg for clarification.

Thank You to Our 2025 APTA CSM Sponsors